For over 15 years, Govaerts Search & Coaching has specialised in executive search and coaching for highly skilled professionals. In general we focus on senior, management and board level positions. In the Legal field, but also on Sales, HR and Business Development, for example. We have a genuine passion for our profession and get immense fulfilment from creating the perfect match. We feel that this is only possible by getting to the heart of the matter, which we find works best when both professionals as well as organisations have the courage to reveal who they really are.
Legal, General Management and Executive positions are where our strength lies. Thanks to our extensive network, you will get in touch with interesting candidates. We are also ideal to contact for Coaching. For whatever reason you call on our services, we will start by with paying full attention to your query. We will listen, ask in-depth questions, stimulate where necessary and join the thinking process. Personal and sincere. Based on equality and respect for the other.