Marjolein Govaerts

Marjolein knows better than anyone how to find the right job. From a corporate legal department, she made the switch to the banking sector. Then she tried her luck in executive search and this is where she came into her own.

After eight years, however, it was time for a change and a move to a non-profit environmental organisation followed. This introduction to another world led to an enormous enrichment of knowledge, contacts and valuable encounters. These meetings resulted in a new insight for Marjolein: the insight that it is the individual who affects her and fills her with enthusiasm. This has resulted in a return to executive search in the form of Govaerts’ own agency, Govaerts Executive Search.

At the same time, Marjolein commenced long-term training at Phoenix Opleidingen where she came into contact with, for instance, family constellations and Transactional Analysis. She is trained as a systemic counsellor/coach. After five years, she changed the name of her company to Govaerts Search & Coaching. Guiding professionals towards a new job or fresh changing insights is what energises Marjolein.

In setting up Govaerts Search & Coaching, Marjolein has given executive search and coaching a personal interpretation. She likes to enter into sincere relationships with the individual behind the organisation or with the candidate, with her incisive approach being the decisive factor in achieving maximum results.

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